Monday, 27 April 2015

Amazing Art, Creative Art, Unique Art, World Famous Art, World Famous Artist, Indian Art, Indian Artist,

Amazing Art by Amazing Artist Wajid Khan of Indore MP India Asia The Amazing Art by Amazing Artist, A great Painter, An Artist and the Inventor with the specialization in canvas craving that gives rise to beautiful art piece is none other than Wajid Khan. Amazing Art by Amazing Artist an outstanding contribution towards the discovery of Nail Art. Amazing Arts by Wajid Khan is also known as the inventor of 140 Items related to Amazing Art by Amazing Artist Creative Arts. For his contribution towards Books of Many Amazing Art Record, Wajid had his name in Golden Book of World Record, Asia Book of Records, Limca book of records, Guiness book of records and even Indian Book of Records.

Biography :
Amazing Art by Amazing Artist Wajid Khan was born on a historical date, 10th of March 1981 in a village named Songiri of Madhya Pradesh. The artist who acquired the patent right of the Nail Art is none other than Amazing Art by Amazing Artist Wajid Khan.  In very young age, Amazing Artist Wajid was successful in getting his name recorded in 5 well known Book of Records. Amazing Art by Amazing Artist Wajid is also famous for the art of sculptures that too in an Elite Class.

A struggle that relieved art The young artist, Wajid Khan had to struggle a lot throughout his life starting from his childhood. He belonged to a poor family with two sisters and five brothers. Since he had an artistic view and thought,   Amazing Art,
Wajid keeps on making    Amazing Art, extraordinary presentation with very simple things but his thoughts were not provided much Value by his family members and often used to get scolding from parents. Wajid surprised everyone by making world’s small iron when he was in 5th standard.  Wajid was successful in making a small ship just at the age of 14 years. He invented 200 artistic materials and astonished everyone.

Wajid’s visit to Jaipur

The authority of Automobile Art festival invited the artist Wajid Khan to Jaipur as one of the honorable chief guests. This festival started in 18th April and continued till 21st of the same month. The most important attraction of the festival is the display of vintage cars. Wajid Khan- world famous artist of nail sculpting was asked to take over the session on automobile art. Wajid shared his knowledge of nail sculpting to the participants present in the auto workshop. He was also successful in motivating the junior artists and technical person present there to bring and innovate new sculptures with the use of technology and brain.

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